Prepare for Success

Colorado - Prepare for Success

Workforce Innovation Submitted By: Pikes Peak Workforce Center

Community Challenge/Problem

Effectively preparing both in-school and out-of-school young adults in Teller and El Paso Counties to be aware of and successful at the annual Young Adult Job Fair proves challenging year after year. The Pikes Peak Workforce Center took a very thorough, deliberate, repeatable approach in preparing young adults in the region for the event this year.

Board Solution/Innovation

To prepare in-school youth, our Governor's Summer Job Hunt program lead partnered with teachers in multiple districts to provide in-classroom training. To reach out-of-school youth, the Workforce Center provided job seekers basic and advanced resume instruction, LinkedIn training, soft skills training, interview techniques, and more, including the "How to make the Job Fair Work for you" workshop.

Outcomes & Results

Eighty job seeker workshops and information sessions were conducted at the Workforce Center; an additional 100 events were conducted at high schools, colleges, trade schools, non-traditional learning facilities and youth shelters including military installation youth centers. "Having experts from the Pikes Peak Workforce Center speak with students directly about professional dress and how to speak with employers has been invaluable," said Taylor Stephens, Harrison High School teacher.

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